
As an intuitive healer I am totally guided directly by Source, the angels and beyond. I have the rare ability to shift through different time lines and dimensions with ease. This enables me to clear karmic patterns, blocks and past lives with great speed. As a keeper of the flames I am in a rare position that I can transmute and dissolve energies around people that have held them back from reaching their potential, healing both their auras and their chakras remotely. Since childhood I have had the gift of being very able in all areas of clairsenses and this is the key to my unique healing sessions. I find it quite difficult to describe exactly what I do as its so very high vibration but I know it works amazingly to transform peoples lives. Included here on my website are a lot of customers testimonials as their own words describe how my sessions have helped each of them.
As a very powerful channel I am able to send strong healing to people all around the globe. This is my own unique blend of energy and crystal healing which works with both amazing strength and speed.
Please note 15 minutes before and after each session I will meditate to connect, then disconnect with the clients energy.


Intuitive Healing Session

Home Energy Clearing Session
Speed Healing Session

Spiritual Mentoring
The healing messages from the angels can be a perfect present for a loved one's head, heart and soul.
These gift vouchers can be used for a Soul Reading or a Healing Session lasting 60 minutes, via Zoom.
On receipt of payment I will email the voucher to you.
Valid for 12 months from purchase.